Monday, May 7, 2007

PLC Programming Methods and Applications

PLC Programming Methods and Applications

For courses in PLC Fundamental, Advanced PLC Programming and Automation.
This volume is designed to help readers develop a good general working knowledge of programmable controllers with concentration on relay ladder logic techniques and how PLC is connected to external components in an operating control system. The text uses real world programming problems that students can solve on any available programmable controller or PLC simulator. Later chapters relate to more advanced subjects in machine controls, which makes this a welcome addition to a personal technical reference library.

Programmable Logic Controllers provides the student with a general working knowledge of the various PLC brands and models. Programming concepts applicable to virtually all controllers are discussed, and practical programming problems are presented throughout the text. A basic understanding of AC/DC circuits, electronic devices (including thyristors), basic logic gates, flip-flops, Boolean algebra, and college algebra and trigonometry is a prerequisite.

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National Geography

 National Geography

162 very nice pic in jpg format

 National Geography

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TITLE : C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET (Hardcover)
AUTHOR : by Gordon Hogenson (Author)
PUB DATE : December 04, 2006
LANGUAGE : English
RLS DATE : 05/05/2007

C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET introduces M$'s new extensions to the C++ syntax that allow you to target the common language runtimethe key to the heart of the .NET 3.0 platform. In 12 no-fluff chapters, M$ insider Gordon Hogenson takes you into the core of the C++/CLI language and explains both how the language elements work and how M$ intends them to be used. Compilable code samples illustrate the syntax as simply as possible, and more elaborate code samples show how the new syntax might typically be used. The book is a beginners guide, but it assumes a familiarity with programming basics. And it concentrates on explaining the aspects of C++/CLI that make it the most powerful and fun language on the .NET Framework 3.0. As such, this book is ideal if youre thinking of migrating to C++/CLI from another language. By the end of this book, youll have a thorough grounding in the core language elements together with the confidence to explore further that comes from a solid understanding of a languages syntax and grammar.





For.Dummies.Microsoft.SQL.Server.2005.Programming.For.Dummies.Apr.2007 - 4460 KB

# Paperback: 416 pages
# Publisher: For Dummies (April 2, 2007)
# Language: English

Create and modify databases and keep them secure

Get up to speed on using T-SQL to store and manipulate data

SQL Server 2005 improves an already great database management system. This book shows you how to put it to work in a hurry. You'll find out how to use the SQL Server Management Studio and the SQLCMD utility to write T-SQL code, retrieve data from single or multiple SQL Server tables, add data using the INSERT statement, and much more.

* Create queries to retrieve data
*Ensure SQL Server security
*Use Visual Studio(r) 2005 with SQL Server
*Create tables, views, and indexes
*Work with Common Language Runtime
*Query XML data





Packt.Publishing.Building.Websites.with.TYPO3.Mar.2007 - 4758 KB

TITLE : Building Websites with TYPO3 (Paperback)
AUTHOR : by Michael Peacock (Author)
PUBLISHER : Packt Publishing publisher
PUB DATE : March 15, 2007
LANGUAGE : English
RLS DATE : 05/05/2007

Follow a clear path through the power and complexity of TYPO3 to get started, and build your own TYPO3 website This book is a fast paced tutorial to creating a website using TYPO3. If you have never used TYPO3, or even any web content management system before, then you need not look further than this book as it walks you through each step to create your own TYPO3 site. From installation, to initial set up and content entry and on to customization and adding plug-ins, this book will get you a stable and working TYPO3 based website fast. The book has 8 chapters, each dealing with a different aspect of TYPO3 and by the end you can genuinely claim to have tamed the beast that is TYPO3. TYPO3 is a popular, free, feature-rich open source content management system. It has the flexibility and scalability to more than match commercial systems and allow you to build a powerful and complex website.

Because of its complex system and numerous extensions, TYPO3 can be daunting on first approach and the initial learning curve can be steep. However the nature of its advanced features will reward an extra investment in learning. Written in a clear, easy-to-read style, the book provides a tutorial for setting up a TYPO3 website. Each topic is tackled in a practical way with many examples and tasks to develop your skills. This book is aimed at anyone who would like to quickly build a TYPO3 website. This book is written for first-time users of TYPO3 and has been specifically created so that you do not require detailed knowledge of programming or web development. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY Chapter 1 introduces content management systems and TYPO3, along with an overview of the TYPO3 community. You will also learn about the sample site which will be developed during the course of this book. Chapter 2 covers setup and installation of TYPO3. We look at the installers bundled with TYPO3 provides, and tweak the settings of TYPO3 using the install tool. In Chapter 3 we explore the many features within the TYPO3 backend. We learn how to create and manage pages and their content, how to use the Rich Text Editor, and why we need templates to make our pages work. Additionally, you will understand the features of the Task Center by using the TYPO3 Extension Manager. In Chapter 4 we apply our knowledge of the TYPO3 administration features to create our website. This chapter shows you how pages fit together, how to display content and customize the design. By the end of this chapter you will know how to manage different versions of your website content. Chapter 5 explores the features available in TYPO3 frontend, in particular the front-end editing features. You will see how these features work, what they do, and how you can edit and create content for our website directly from the website, without needing to navigate through the backend. In Chapter 6 we explore TYPO3's user management features. You will set up specific user groups and create users to work on your site's content. Chapter 7 takes a look at the types of tasks that you must perform regularly to manage your TYPO3 site. It walks you through backing up your site and restoring it back whenever needed. We also cover the powerful Workflow and Workspace features and learn how they can be useful to us for collaboration. In Chapter 8 we look at the TYPO3 extension manager, and install four extensions, set them up, and link them to our site. We extend our site by adding extensions to rate pages on our site, and one that allows the administrator to look up hit statistics of his site. The message board and shop system extensions let you monetize your TYPO3 site by adding in ecommerce functionalities.





M$.Press.The.2007.M$ - 59409 KB

TITLE : The 2007 M$ Office System Step by Step (Paperback)
AUTHOR : by Online Training Solutions Inc. (Author), Curtis D. Frye (Author),
Joan Preppernau (Author), Joyce K. Cox (Author), Steve Lambert (Author)
PUBLISHER : M$ Press publisher
PUB DATE : February 14, 2007
LANGUAGE : English
RLS DATE : 05/05/2007

Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting help to master the fundamentals of working with Office 2007, including how to navigate the new user interface. With coverage of core Office programs, and highlights of new programs, you will learn how to create professional-quality documents, powerful spreadsheets, and compelling slide presentations. You will also discover how to get your Web site up and running, how to take notes electronically, and how to manage your e-mail communications and workday. Youll even step through the fundamentals of working with Microsoft InfoPath forms and collaborating with Microsoft Office SharePoint, Microsoft Office LiveMeeting, and Microsoft Office Groove.



Windows Vista Beautiful Art Wallpapers_Part_ 5

Windows Vista Beautiful Art Wallpapers_Part_ 5

Windows Vista Beautiful Art Wallpapers_Part_ 5 (Awesome, Never Seen, Hi Res)

11 JPG | High resolution | 1400 x 910 to 3100 x 2100 | 16 Mb | RS.Com


Five ways to instantly improve your talk


Productivity blog Ririan Project has written up five tips that can instantly boost your presentation's awesomeness. My personal favorite:

When you are nervous, everything get's magnified. During an interview, speech or presentation forgetting what you intended to say or losing your flow of speech can be terrifying. When this happens remember to stop and take a deep breath. This pause feels incredibly unnatural for the speaker, but it is usually barely noticed by the audience.

What are some ways that you've been able to instantly improve your public speaking gigs? Let's hear 'em in the comments.

Get your music on at MusicMesh


I love finding good music mashups, and MusicMesh is definitely one of the better ones that I've come across lately.

You've got a lot to look at here: just type in your favorite artist's name and you'll be treated to a smattering of related albums plus what you're looking for, as well as YouTube vids, track listings, user reviews, Wikipedia entries, etc. I got pretty distracted following the related music suggestions; they seem to be pretty well thought out as compared to other music services that in my experience can put some pretty wild stuff together. Worth a look and a listen.

Launch multiple Firefox tabs from the Run box


Reader Paladin launches Firefox with a set of his favorite sites open in tabs from Windows' Run box:

When I sit down at my school computer lab (they're configured for programming, so the Run box works and Firefox is installed) I hit Win+R, then type "firefox gmail lifehacker consumerist". This pulls up Firefox, with a tab for Lifehacker, GMail, Consumerist, and User Friendly (a webcomic).
Check out some more ways to work with groups of tabs in the 'fox - like setting multiple homepages. Thanks, Paladin!

Find an icon at IconFinder


Looking for a few good icons? You might want to try IconFinder, a site with over 20,000 icons for you to try out.

These are nicely designed icons, too - you won't find any twee teddy bears and such here. What's your favorite place to pick up some (completely legal) icons, oh mighty Web designers? Thoughts in the comments.