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Productivity blog Ririan Project has written up five tips that can instantly boost your presentation's awesomeness. My personal favorite:
When you are nervous, everything get's magnified. During an interview, speech or presentation forgetting what you intended to say or losing your flow of speech can be terrifying. When this happens remember to stop and take a deep breath. This pause feels incredibly unnatural for the speaker, but it is usually barely noticed by the audience.
What are some ways that you've been able to instantly improve your public speaking gigs? Let's hear 'em in the comments. — Wendy Boswell
I love finding good music mashups, and MusicMesh is definitely one of the better ones that I've come across lately.
You've got a lot to look at here: just type in your favorite artist's name and you'll be treated to a smattering of related albums plus what you're looking for, as well as YouTube vids, track listings, user reviews, Wikipedia entries, etc. I got pretty distracted following the related music suggestions; they seem to be pretty well thought out as compared to other music services that in my experience can put some pretty wild stuff together. Worth a look and a listen.— Wendy Boswell
Reader Paladin launches Firefox with a set of his favorite sites open in tabs from Windows' Run box:
When I sit down at my school computer lab (they're configured for programming, so the Run box works and Firefox is installed) I hit Win+R, then type "firefox gmail lifehacker consumerist". This pulls up Firefox, with a tab for Lifehacker, GMail, Consumerist, and User Friendly (a webcomic).Check out some more ways to work with groups of tabs in the 'fox - like setting multiple homepages. Thanks, Paladin!
Looking for a few good icons? You might want to try IconFinder, a site with over 20,000 icons for you to try out.
These are nicely designed icons, too - you won't find any twee teddy bears and such here. What's your favorite place to pick up some (completely legal) icons, oh mighty Web designers? Thoughts in the comments. — Wendy Boswell